Tuesday, April 17, 2007


I'm not really Alice Cooper. I'm just a regular chick who isn't a rock star (but ought to be), and likes Toothpaste for Dinner a lot.

I had my last exam today, and it went pretty well. Even better than the exam though, was getting back my big term paper and getting a mind-blowing NINETY-FIVE PERCENT on it. Take that everybody!! I think that's more evidence that I'm supposed to be a soci major. Oh well!

In more exciting news, I am likely going to Alaska for the summer to work in my uncle Kurt's recording studio. Ooooer. I'll be there for about three months, and I'll finally get to see my aunt Mary Jane, and meet my two little cousins Dominic and Julia. And Kurt. I haven't actually met Kurt yet either. He's a pretty trusting dude, apparently, to hire someone he's only talked to on the phone and online. :)

Erm... that's about all for news. Selena is having a shindig for her pharmacy friends here tonight. Guarenteed to be fun!

Now if the weather could comply to summer standards...

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