Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Various Pictures That Chronicle the Most Interesting Parts of Life in Lab. City Thus Far...

Feature this: A chick wakes up at 6:30 every morning Monday to Friday, goes to work at 8:00, comes home at 4:00, finishes supper, etc. around 6:30 that evening. That's 12 hours. Assuming she sleeps eight hours (yeah, right) every night, that's four hours each night Monday to Thursday, about seven hours Friday night, and (let's be generous) 12 hours each Saturday and Sunday.

That's 84 hours a week I'm either working, sleeping, eating, or doing homework, most likely, and only 47 hours I week I can feasibly hang out with the gang.

Here's some of the things that happen in that 47 hours:

Getting ready for Brian's grad a few weeks ago. I was so matchy.

Aiden and I dancing at grad. I was seriously feeling old at my fifth grad in a row.

Selena and I hanging out in a tire. Seriously. If you're not from Lab. West/Fermont, you might not be aware of the sheer size of the trucks used in the mines to haul iron ore from point A to point B. But when you consider that Selena and I are sitting on the rim of the tire, you might get an idea.

Hanging out (very literally) in Fermont.

Somehow, Selena woke up here.

Ok, this might be a little hard to explain, but we were hanving a scanvenger hunt, and one of our missions was to take a picture in the Lab. City ghetto. You will notice me making the official gang sign of our hometown, LW, for Lab West. Represent.

Or not, whatever.

Cassie at I hanging out at Mog's house.

C'est tou!


Adam Riggio said...

Man, Selena really knows how to party if she wakes up on top of that thing. Whatever that is.

Though I realized something yesterday. The Swedish Chef theme music is played on a clarinet. You play the clarinet. I think it's of vital importance that you learn to play the Swedish Chef theme music.

Miss you, muffin.

Chris in NF said...

I just have to say: love the earings.

I don't know why. They're pretty simple. They just work.

Rebecca said...

Riggio: That weird rock thing is one of the toys in the playground in Lab City. No joke. Least safe playground equipment ever.

Chris: Thanks very much. I'll also thank you on Selena's behalf because they belong to her.