Monday, July 30, 2007

Things You Have Probably Seen Already, Full of Hilariosity

Blogging is hard. I think of lots of ideas for posts, but then I change my mind because no one wants to hear about it. Truly. So sticking to my one-post-a-month trend, I've decided on some very funny videos courtesy of The Mighty Boosh and Flight on the Conchords. If you haven't heard Flight of the Conchords yet, you are so missing out! They're beyond funny, and it makes me wish they'd play a show in St. John's some time soon. However, if I was from New Zealand like they are, I would have no desire to travel to frozen tundra to play for a small crowd in a bar, and then promptly turn into an ice cube. That would suck more than painting all day...

Ok, so the first is Old Gregg from the Brit-com The Might Boosh. I thought that everyone had seen Old Gregg before, but Riggio proved me wrong yesterday. I also began to wonder today if Old Gregg was maybe a bit immature, but then I realized that all the actors, writers, producers, etc. are likely older than me. If they like it, I can too.

Also, the fisherman looks an awful lot like Keith Richards in drag, circa 1972. Just sayin'...

And now for Flight of the Conchords. I'm just going to link one (my personal favourite) but it's definitely worth watching all their stuff.

It's business time...

Tune in next week when I might post pictures of our upcoming tea party. China cups and big hats. No old ladies.



Adam Riggio said...

Thank you for everything, dear. From the Mighty Boosh (damnable for my not knowing it when I should have, I'm missing out), to Business Time (it's growing on me). I hope I'll thank you later on for that tea party story.

After all, for an anglophile like myself, everything stops for tea.

Bronwyn said...

Well, if you like FotC, you should keep your eye out for Eagle Vs Shark, Jemaine Clement's new movie. Otherwise, you should visit me in NZ in late Feb/early Mar for orientation, when Bret McKenzie's band The Black Seeds might play like they did this year.

Unfortunately, we don't get the HBO show here. Have to entertain myself with Outrageous Fortune.
Tell your ma I said Hi.

Sheena said...


"You saw my downstairs mix-up."

Ian Vatcher is going as Olf Gregg for Halloween.

Rebecca said...

Riggio: Tea was taken today at 2 pm. It was a grand affair. I had the biggest hat of all.

Bronwyn: Ma says hi. And that she "thinks about you often". Creepy!
Also, I don't see myself in New Zealand anytime soon.

Sheena: YES!!!!