Tuesday, January 23, 2007

ZOMBIES! and Nerds...

Ok, Selena and I are watching Beauty and the Geek. It's not something we do often. Or ever. But holy man, nerds getting makeovers is exciting. And sometimes has hot results. For anybody who watches, Nate and Scooter = HOT! It was exciting.

Hot, exciting... hot. (Sorry, I realized I clearly didn't say those two words enough in the first paragraph.)

WAAYYYYY more importantly, there was a commerical on while we were watching the show about smoking. Zombie peoples with t-shirts that said nicotine, carbon monoxide, etc. riding in cars with people, walking around zombie-style, and clinging to people's legs. It's so hilarious! But lung cancer is not hilarious, people. Quit smoking!

And date nerds. Nerds are where it's at! I'm fairly certain that the idiots you can pick up anywhere (res, for example) are hardly passionate about anything, except getting drunk on the weekend. Think about it: any dude who can devote so much time and energy into schoolwork, and likely many and varied hobbies and interests (while they might not actually be interesting) is at least worth getting to know. I don't even like Star Trek or Star Wars , but sitting home on a Friday night and having a marathon seems way more interesting than blowing my money on George Street. We're in university, for Christ's sake. It's about meeting new people, learning as much as you can, and also learning how to be seriously cheap.

And aside from the obvious social benefits of hanging out with self-proclaimed nerds (my favourite people are nerds), you get these bonuses:

- Help with homework
- Tech support
- Guitar Hero marathons
- Freedom to hang out unshowered, with no makeup
- Hilarious conversations about how to prepare for the zombie apocalypse
- Pyramid schemes if you ever get desperate for money (they may involve the internet and nudity)
- Serious appreciation for being a chick who hangs out with nerdy dudes

Oh man, there's nothing to lose. Except mulityplayer games of Guitar Hero.

I would also like to note that the subtypes Movie Geeks, Band Geeks, Newspaper Geeks are all highly dateable variants of the Nerd species.

Seriously. It's either that or a guy who wears a white baseball cap. You know those are tragic.


Anonymous said...

I can't believe you don't like Star Wars. I'm unhappy.

Chris in NF said...

some time back, while I was still at UWO and the "I Love Nerds" T-shirts were just starting to appear, I watched a guy hitting on a girl wearing one, working from the premise that *he* was a nerd and therefore deserved her love. Offering him a withering look, she said "Oh, you are so NOT a nerd."

So here's my question: once nerdom becomes something sexy, desirable and exclusive, doesn't this completely divorce the term from its original meaning? Or do we start qualifying states of nerdiness to distinguish between the Adam Brody types and the truly nerdy? Are "geeks" still undesirable, or are they a subcategory of the cool nerds? I beg enlightenment.

Rebecca said...

No, no, no....

I guess I forgot to mention that I'm a serious nerd. Nobody "cool" would ever date me! (I know because I, like so many others, went to a high school that was a lot like an 80's teen movie. With better hair...)

But you raise a fair point. Instead of addressing your questions, I'm just going to reiterate the fact that I'm deeply uncool, and therefore am really no authority on whether they're actually desirable to the masses, or just a good target for me. I mean, consider the source: My best friend is the hugest Buffy and Angel fan on the planet, my closest guy friends want nothing more than for me to play Dungeons and Dragons on Sunday night, and for my birthday tomorrow I'm making lots of lame hors d'oeurves and everyone is dressing up. I have no idea what's hip with the kids.

Sheena said...

The undateable nerds are the creepy-stalky ones.

Last year I dated a skinny, socially awkward red-head with more comic books than pores.

Currenly I am madly in love with a large, hairy Dungeons & Dragons player.

Bonuses? Intelligent conversations, lack of pretence, and someone to watch Buffy and Battlestar with.

But watchout, nerds have notoriously horrible taste in music. The red-head liked electronica, and Chris turns off my Modest Mouse for Manowar.

Adam Riggio said...

There are really only two difficulties for enlightened women like yourself who prefer the nerd subspecies of human male over others. One is the fact that most of us (myself included) are all too nervous and socially awkward in romantic situations to make any kind of first move at all. If that guy in your story, Chris, really was a nerd, he would have just stumbled over to her, said he liked her shirt and began rambling incoherently about the bar's decor and stuttering a lot. I've been told it's called unintentional charm.

Though I take mild offence to Sheena's description of my demographic's musical tastes. Your old boyfriend introduced me to some really good electronica that I otherwise never would have heard of. I'll grant you that Chris the hirsute's Manowar love is grotesque and perverse, but don't discount all the TV on the Radio and Doves fans like me.

Christopher Greene said...

Okay, a couple points:

1. D&D is Sunday afternoon. Don't be late.

2. I'm not that hairy. I think the description long-haired is more fitting than the general "hairy". I don't gots a lot of body hair, more so just the head and face. Hirsute I find just sounds gross.

3. Just because you guys aren't cool enough for Manowar doesn't mean you need to get all up in arms about it. I mean, not that many people are cool enough for Manowar. At least you know me, that gives you like +50 cool points each.

4. (For the Doc) Nerds are still not mainstream sexy, but it's been well established that we rule the world. Ladies, even intelligent ladies may wind up with the oft idiotic "typical guy", but I think at the end of the day the nerd will win out. Also, though geek isn't exactly a subtype of nerd, they are in the same family.

5. Manowar is awesome.