Wednesday, March 21, 2007 has shown me the way

I think I got the message. I am one crap blogger-type person. But it's ok, because I haven't really got anything to say anyway.

Mostly I like to update my blog when I have pictures to show. For instance, I'd like to put up the pictures from our St. Patrick's Day party/ Kristian's birthday party from last weekend, except they're on Selena's camera and she probably hasn't uploaded them yet. Which is ok. It was a really fun time for what I participated in. I was chilling out being cool when suddenly my stomach said to me, "If you dare move one more inch, I'll stop digesting this disgusting A&W burger you put in me. You'll be sorry." So I lay on my bed the whole night and had people come and go. It was unreasonable behaviour on the part of my stomach. As long as I was still, I felt great. As soon as I moved, it was hell all over again.

Note to self: No more fast food.

I never usually eat fast food. It's always an unpleasant experience. But I somehow forget in the months between the encounters that there's a reason I'm not eating it, and the cycle begins again.

More importantly, I made an awesome Guiness cake on Saturday for the party, that I got to enjoy before the fight with my stomach. Don't worry, I'm positive it's not what made me sick. I want to share it with everyone because it's embarassingly simple to make, but it's the tastiest thing on the planet, even if you hate beer like I do.

In other party news, Sheena's Super-Rad, Ultra-Gnarly Beach Party is on the 31st. I'm excited because I get to pretend it's summer and have an excuse to listen to the Beach Boys in semi-public.

More on summer. Where the hell is it? For that matter, where the hell is spring? It's been pretty nice the past few days, and so I got excited and bought some summery-type clothes. I had plans on wearing them today underneath all my super winter gear. Then I wake up this morning to snow. SNOW! Holy poop!

The snow also drove away all the little birdies that come every morning to my new birdfeeder outside my window (picutres to come). There's woodpeckers, bluejays, and a variety of little tiny birds I can't identify. But they're all so cute! And I get to wake up to them every morning (afternoon). I'm like Cinderella with less housework and no ugly stepsisters. But also no Fairy Godmother... I should get one of those.

Speaking of Cinderella, Disney movies have taken over my life. I think I've watched Sleeping Beauty more times in the past couple of months than in my entire childhood. I don't know what my deal is, but I've become obsessed with the older films done in the 40's and 50's (like Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty and Snow White) because of the art work (and the sappiness). I've taken to crying over commericals and stupid things again. I caught the last part of Hope Floats on tv last night and cried my eyes out. Then I cried over that Iams commerical with the heart-shaped kibbles and the whole "you've shown me how much better four legs are than two" bit. I lose at life. I used to be so stoic! Now I'm a complete sap.

Alright, that's enough of that crap. I hope everyone has come out of the bright side of hell week, school-wise. I'm kind of in a grey area with school right now, but I'm resolving to rock out finals. Also, I'm applying for Features Editor at the paper this week. Speaking of which, I should go get my junk in order for that.

Thank you and goodnight.


Christopher Greene said...

You think you're sappy now? SUMMER'S COMIN' BABE, and what's summer except an excuse to get UNNECESSARILY EMOTIONALLY TRUTHFUL AND SENSITIVE!!!

I'm looking forward to it.

Rebecca said...

I'm sorry, who's unnecessarily truthful? Could it be you?? YOU WHO CANNOT KEEP A SECRET??? Then again, I would have murdered you if you didn't tell me. And now Patrick is going to murder you because you did tell me.