Sunday, May 13, 2007

Pwned by IOC

I would like to say that I don't know how this happened. When I posted last month, I was planning to spend the summer in Alaska, battling the Northen Sasquatches, and in my spare time working at my uncle's recording studio and taking care of my cousins. Now it seems that I am back in Labrador. I start tomorrow with my retraining in the Mines of Moria. When I'm not killing orcs, I shall be painting, complaining, and making a lot of money.

I'm not exceptionally happy about this. I might even end up missing the prom. Chris has decided that we need to recreate our proms, since us folks in Labrador don't get a sensible prom like the rest of the world, we just had a graduation ceremony. So, sometime at the end of the summer (and hopefully after I get back) we're going to be kickin' it old school. Over-the-top prom-posals, sweaty palms, spiked punch, and miles and miles of taffeta. I encourage everyone to attend!

That's about all there is to say at this point. I've had a whirlwind couple of days preparing to come home, and now that I'm here the days are going to drag. Maybe that means I'll do more blogging. I'll probably take more pictures while I'm home, which makes the blogging more interesting. Who knows? It might even appear as though I'm having fun here...


Adam Riggio said...

I know you're in Labrador City for another summer, but it's going to be ok. I really have no evidence or idea for that, but it is. I still say you can pull just as much IOC money next summer if you can pull a job as a waitress at a half-posh restaurant like Blue, or the constantly name-changing Italian place, or Basho, or one of those. Plan ahead, and you'll be on fire.

Now that the career-consulting part of my comment is over, I'll complain to you. Proms are largely overrated. John Hughes and Clone High have built up such high expectations of proms that no one can compete unless there actually is a guest appearance by Molly Ringwald and/or some serious dry-humping.

All I can say is, there better be a heart-shaped bed in a meat locker. Or I'll feign disappointment.

Sincerely, your shitty messenger boy.

Sheena said...

Moria? Orcs? Mangula, she stole my jokes!

Rebecca said...

Sorry Sheena!

It must be because I miss you so much!