Monday, January 1, 2007


Hello peoples!

I hope everyone had a great time ringing in 2007. I know most people find it really hard adjusting to it being a different year (and some of us are still stuck at 2000), but 2007 seems right to me. Maybe this will be my year!

Last night was a lot of fun. I started off hanging around with the elderly loons (Mutti und Stephen), while Mutti blasted the Doors, Lynyrd Skynyrd, and all of her rockin' out music. She's a bit insane sometimes, but it was fun. She got really drunk really quickly (2 bottles of wine will do that), and tried to get me to show her how to dance like Mick Jagger. As if anyone cares, I have a seriously accurate Mick Jagger impression. Mom does not. And still doesn't. Stephen tried to, but he looked like he was having a epileptic fit. Clearly, Mick Jagger impersonators are born, not crafted. :)

At 11:00, Selena came to pick me up and we went to George's. Sheena had asked us to "bring the party" and we so did! Well, maybe not, but we had an excellent time. At some point we all decided it would be an awesome idea to stay up all night wait go to Tim Horton's for breakfast. I wish I could remember who had the original idea, because I would punch them a bunch. It was probably me.

It doesn't matter anyway, because everything is hilarious when you're over-tired. I had the hardcore moment of my life last night! Chris was playing Zelda (and boring the hell out of me).
At one point he was hacking at a big dragon skull or something with a sword, and I asked him if it was useful to be "thrashing bone with steel". Matt and Peter immediately jumped on it, and it became a thrash metal classic. Oh man, I am truly the heart and soul of all metal. Or not. Well, maybe hair metal. I also have a seriously awesome David Lee Roth impression.

Anyway, by the time we got to Tim Horton's I wasn't in touch with reality any more. I had given up drinking hours before, but I was beyond tired. I had spent most of the day watching The Twillight Zone marathon on NTV, and everything was just weird enough for it to be believeable. I went in the washroom to see if I still looked human (ie: if I still had any makeup on), and I was convinced that I was going to cross over at any moment. I should take this time to mention that everything scares me. I saw the movie Candyman when I was 11, and I still can't do mirrors in the dark. In fact, the only horror movie I've ever watched that didnt scare me was The Shining. Yeah, I'm pretty bad.

I'd also like to take this time to note that Matt Woodman has disproven the theory that, if one throws up just after drinking cold milk, the milk will still be cold when they throw it up. According to Matt, that is not true.

Matt also does not participate in sexual activites or "somodie", as he is a Christian man. The red marks on his neck certainly were not put there by Cheryl.

And now, pictures!!

Sheena and I, after a long heart-to-heart about being like sisters.

Sheena advertising whatever kind of beer she was drinking.

The all-too-necessary "Hey! We're both taking a picture!" picture

Selena chillin' out.

She sure knows how to look cool.

Especially in this picture.

Party peoples.

I think I was Vogue-ing. Who knows?

Sometimes playing Wii is confusing, apparently. I'll support it. The sound comes out of the controller! What sort of newfangled technology is that?

George and I. There's an awful lot of those "I'm holding the camera" close-ups.

The ever-necessary beer chugging competitions.

Peter won both times. Sorry, George.

Chris and I in the hottest new picture of 2007.

I judge my picture-taking success on how many silly faces I can get everyone to make. Last night was particularly successful.

Another close-up. Me and Cheryl.

Peter and George. Again with the excellent facial expressions.

This is a picture of Cheryl and Matt. They're a bit sickly sweet, but they're good kids.

I was going to put in a few pictures of Cheryl with her underwear hanging out, but I decided against it. We may be due for a fight, but we need a better reason than that.

Peter and Sheena rocking the bongos.

And this is the sun coming up this morning at 8:30, as seen from my backyard.
Happy New Year everybody!

1 comment:

Adam Riggio said...

Sounds wicked. And that picture about halfway through of Peter, Matt, and Selena is the funniest thing I've seen all day. I think it's because of the looks on all their faces.
Peter & Matt: Wuh?
Selena: OH YEAH!!!! [spoken in kool-aid man's voice]
Juxtaposition is the heart of humour.